Wednesday 29 June 2016

New proposed guild item

The idea of the guild items being a pair of stockings, whilst fun did not quite feel right. It seemed rather wasteful especially seeing as there are already some nice items already in the game that equip to the legs. This seems a little more appropriate and very fitting.

Mask of Allure.

The mask of allure is a thing of beauty but when worn it is truly exquisite, making even the ugliest girl desirable. The mask also helps to hide the identity its wearer, every working girl deserves to have her identity protected!

+5 Appearance
+5 Health
+5 Mental defence
The wearers name is replaced with "Madam" making them harder to identify on other players turn sheets.

The mask of allure may never be dropped, sold or destroyed.

Saturday 28 May 2016

A bit more in depth stuff

The Mistress

There is only ever one mistress in the Wild Damsels and she runs the place, effectively making her the guild leader.


All female characters in the guild are known as Madame to one another, this may be a prefix before your name if we ever become official. I say may be because for flavour of role play some members may want anonymity. I am guessing members of the White Tower or RGA would need this.


Bards will play an important part within the brothel, creating a relaxing atmosphere for the customers and courtesans alike.

Proposed Guild item

Sexy Lace Stockings - equip to legs.

+5 all defences due to foes been distracted by our sexy legs. + 1 dexterity, +1 appearance, - 1 intelligence and - 2 wisdom.


Like the White Tower I propose we have only one, at least to begin with. This would be in central dungeon, it has a small courtyard so will be easy for customers to find.
The guildhall will offer skills to members and offer services to non members.